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Frequently Asked Questions

What is your admission policy?

Dheemahi Ayurveda admits patients only if they need emergency treatment, proper care, and attention. In all other cases, we are following either online consultation or IP for personalized treatment. Regarding the accompanying person, the consultation follows the accepted guidelines as in other hospitals.

What is the diet plan during Ayurvedic treatment?

Usually vegetarian diet is recommended. Doctors decide your diet based on your clinical needs, your treatments and medicines. Those requiring special diets would be served with the appropriate food as per doctors’ instructions.

Can I do yoga everyday during treatment ?

Yoga and meditation are part our treatment program. They can be specific or general as the case may be. Doctors will include yoga in your treatment courses depending upon your condition and its compatibility with various Ayurvedic treatments.

Do I have to submit my medical reports before consultation?

Yes, you can submit all relevant medical records with the consultation request form.

What can I expect from the video consultation?

Your doctor will conduct a thorough examination of your health, with a special emphasis on your diet, lifestyle and geographic condition. The consultation will be done in according to the Ayurvedic principles of Prashna (questions) and Darshan (observation) chikithsa. During video consultation, your doctor will observe your eyes, nails, skin and physical constitution. Based on these examination, the doctor may prescribe medicines along with diet and lifestyle customized for you.

Can I combine Ayurvedic medicines with my existing allopathic medicines?

Ayurvedic medicines can be safely taken with allopathic medicines. Unless otherwise mentioned by your doctor, you can continue both forms of the medication safely

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Talk to us anytime — +91 70 3481 2345

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